Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pet Peeve From the Bunker Day 47

 We all have pet peeves. They are little things that drive us crazy and can turn into big deals if we let them. One of my pet peeves, and I have several of them, is Twizzlers. Don’t get me wrong, Twizzlers is a fine product, but because of their product people have gotten the wrong idea about the nature licorice. You’ve heard people ask, “do you want, red, brown, or black licorice.” (And don’t get me started about Southerners who ask for white, orange or brown Coke). That just drives me nuts. There is only one kind of licorice. The description Liquorice or licorice is the common name of Glycyrrhiza  glabra, a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae, from the root of which a sweet, aromatic flavoring can be extracted. The liquorice plant is a herbaceous perennial legume native to the Western Asia and Southern Europe.

People will try and fool you by saying that “red licorice” is a confection made of special herbs and spices. I’m telling you, if it’s not from the Galbraith flower and isn’t black it’s just plane candy. So the next time you are sitting with some friends and they offer you “red licorice,” please set them straight.

One pet peeve as a pastor is when the worship service fills up 10 minutes after the service starts. I am sure there are a lot of reasons for people’s tardiness. Sometimes Sunday school doesn’t get out on time, or people forget to turn the clock back, or forward. Other times the spouse, or children, have made you late and getting in at 10 minutes after is a miracle in and of itself. I get it, it happens. It happens to me too. There have been times I am rushing through the building because I spent too much time talking (I see you laughing). There was a time I showed up to preach an hour late. It happens.

But are there so many people who have legitimate reasons every week? If you are chronically late each week ask your self these questions:

1.     Am I late like this for work?
2.     Is it because I’d don’t like to sing?
3.     Is it disrespectful to all the people who have work hard to make the service meaningful.
4.      Luke I find a better seat if I got there early?

To all those who are never late, or seldom late, thank you. To those who are chronically late; I love you. Is there anything I can do to help? Then again, I can’t wait to be back at church where you can be late. I’m just saying..

Pet Peeve From The Bunker Day 47

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