Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Self-righteous Hypocrisy — From the Bunker Day 23

Matthew 26:57-75 as told by me. 
Station 3 Jesus before the Sanhedrin
Station 4 Peter’s denial.

 When Jesus was arrested his disciples scattered, fearing for their own lives. Peter and John doubled back to see where the guards would take Jesus. Sure enough the high priest was involved. Both John and Peter were fearful and loyal, but Peter would not leave Jesus’ side. He would not succumb to what Jesus said that “before the cock crows you will deny me three times.”

Peter gathered along with others to watch the spectacle. It was obvious that the temple guards were bribing witnesses. They were claiming that Jesus had blasphemed God. “I’ve seen that witness before,” Peter thought.  The man he referred to was saying that Jesus threatened to destroy the temple and build it up in three days. Most of the crowd erupted in threats and curses aimed to humiliate Jesus. One of the guards took the opportunity and struck Jesus along the back of his legs. Jesus hit the ground with his knees. 

“I know you,” the woman by the fire said to Peter. “You are one of the Galileans.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Peter spat. He technically didn’t deny Jesus. He pushed the thought aside and strained to hear what was going on in the courtyard.

The high priest, Caiaphas, had enough of this traveling preacher. No matter what he did or said to him, he stood there silent. Caiaphas tried to trick him by asking, “tell us, are you the Christ?” Everyone fell silent waiting to hear what the young Rabbi would say.

“You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven,” Jesus said.

That did it!  Caiaphas’ face turned red, and he tore his robe (a sign of holy rage). They all yelled for justice and then it started. “He deserves death!”

“You! You’re one of his followers! I can tell by your accent.” Someone grabbed Peter’s cloak.

“You are crazy, leave me alone! I don’t know the man!” Peter swore. It was the third person to trouble him. All he wanted to do was make sure Jesus was alright. “Get out of my way.” In the distance two things happened. First a rooster crowed. Secondly, Jesus caught Peter’s eye. The weight was too great and Peter ran away. He found a quiet remote place and wept bitterly.

Who do you identify with in the story? I know that I don’t want to be associated with the high priest. His self-righteous condemnation of our Lord would never cross my lips. But I have judged others harshly, taken the high ground and puffed my own chest with a certain amount of self-righteous indignation. All the while knowing that God was on my side. 

I’m definitely not Peter, unless you count the time I was standing with some people and a class mate called me out for being a Christian. Just because I ignored him and walked away without saying anything doesn’t mean I denied Jesus? Does it?

The truth, is that we all fall prey to self-righteous hypocrisy at some point and deniers of Jesus at others. We are weak and sinful people, and you know what we deserve? That’s right, but it’s not what we are going to get. 2 Corinthians 12:9, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 

During this week remember that as believers we are all on trial. The world is watching to see if we will stumble and fall.  Remember Jesus’ words,

“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven,” Matthew 10:32,33.

If you would, go to my Facebook page and post only one Word — Standing. I’m standing firm for Jesus. Will you stand with me? I’m just saying…

From the Bunker Day 24

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