Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Without faith From the Bunker Day 38

Without faith there is no hope.
Without faith there is no pleasing God
Without faith there is no walking on the water.
Without faith there are just two loaves and a fish.
Without faith demons run rampant.
Without faith the dead remain in their graves.
Without faith Abraham stays home.
Without faith Isaac never understands his fathers love.
Without faith Sarah remains a barren wife.
Without faith Daniel is just another captive.
Without faith Moses is trapped between Pharaoh and the sea.
Without faith Joshua is just blowing horns.
Without faith David throws his last rock.
Without faith we are dead in our sin, and without hope.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the certainty of things unseen.” Christians do not believe in wishful thinking, or faith in faith. Our faith is in a Savior who was declared the Son of God in power through the resurrection. Our faith is in a sovereign God who is living and active. Our faith rests in the sure promises that come from a trustworthy Father. This is our faith, and anything else is fraudulent and powerless. .

Is this your faith? I’m just saying….

Without faith from the Bunker Day 38

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