Thursday, April 16, 2020

Imitation From the bunker day 33

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery — From The Bunker Day 33

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, unless your being mocked on Saturday Night Live. There is a difference between mockery and imitation. Imitation is behaving like someone you admire,  where as mockery is making fun of someone you don’t like. 

I remember as a 7th grader being chastised for being a mocker. I had shoulder length hair, and for some reason I was wearing a robe. Some friends and I were at the youth center on the military base in Greece. My memory of the event is vague, other than the act of of holding out my arms and pretending to be Jesus. It must have come across as mocking and not imitation. The director of the youth center called me out for my disrespect and told me to take off the robe. I’ve never forgotten that moment. 

Humor is often disrespectful and people use their quick wit to make themselves feel better while putting others down. Verbal bullies long for a good laugh at other people’s expense. I was noticing today on YouTube that a Brazilian judge ordered Amazon to remove a video that portrayed Jesus as a homosexual. I didn’t watch the video, but I am sure they were capitalizing on Jesus’ relationship with John who was the disciple Jesus loved. In the United States that kind of mockery is protected speech. 

Imitation is a far greater weapon against mockery than censorship (though I appreciate the Judges ruling). The apostle John said, “Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does good is from God; whoever does evil has not seen God.” 3 John 1:11. 

When the world looks at us what do they see? Jesus said they would know that we are his disciples if we love one another. Is that what the world sees? Jesus said that if we love God we would be obedient to his commands. Is that what the world sees? The Apostle Paul said that we are to be imitators of God by waking in love and being like Jesus, who gave his life for us. Is that what the world sees? Paul told the Philippians to have the mind of Christ (imitate him) by living in unity, acting selflessly, and considering others as more significant than themselves. Is that what the world sees?

Even with the stay at home order the church (the people) are to be imitators of Jesus. Loving others and standing in unity is easy when everything is going well, but the testing of our faith comes during difficult times. It warms my heart when I hear stories of you loving others through selfless acts of kindness. Please keep sending me your stories.

Today is an opportunity to imitate Jesus. We can only do that if we know him. Take out your bibles if you haven’t done so today. Read one of the gospels, or read Philippians and put on the mind of Jesus. Spend time praying for your neighbors, family, and people you know who are struggling. As the Spirit leads you give someone a call, write a note, text or send an email. In these days of trial let us show the world who we follow by being imitators of Jesus. I’m just saying….

From the Bunker Day 33

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