Saturday, April 18, 2020

Social distancing and the garden of Eden From the Bunker Day 35

This is the 35th  day of the stay at home order and for the most part it has been Rebecca and I for the duration. There are moments when we have extended conversations about her work or someone who is sick, or what our children are doing. A lot of the time there isn’t any conversation as we are content doing whatever, just knowing the other person is there (this is my observation. Rebecca might have a slightly different perspective). Our conversations usually revolve around our interactions with other people, mostly virtual these day. 

“So, how was work today?”
“What did you think about that email?”
“Want to skype the grandchildren?”
“Are you out in the workroom again?”

Multiply these conversations 35 times. I feel bad for Rebecca as she has more words to say. Sometimes she has to repeat them. I’m trying to focus. Now to the garden of Eden. I wonder what it  would have been like if all of a sudden God called for a stay at home order and social distancing?

Adam: “I know He said it’s for our best, but I think it is a little over blown.”
Eve: “Statistics show that if two people are close to each other when someone comes down with something the other one is more likely to fall too.”
Adam:“But six feet apart. There is no way we are going to populate the earth that way.”
Eve: (rolls her eyes) “So what was your day like?”
Adam: “Same as yesterday. Oh, I did find an animal I hadn’t named.”
Eve: “Really, what did you name it?”
Adam: “Bob.”
Eve: “Bob?”
Adam: “It was in the water going up and down.”
Eve: (rolls her eyes again) “You want to know what I did today? Well…..”
Adam: (this is what, day 2? Sigh.)

We are social creatures and need interaction with a variety of individuals. That is why there is a rise in domestic abuse. Men (who are probably a little unstable anyway) are now stuck at home. They feel useless, work is their identity, different expectations from their spouse, and no outlet with other men all contribute to their abusive behavior. This is over simplifying the situation, but when two people (even when they love each other) have no relational outlet things can get volatile, emotionally, verbally, and physically.

Fortunately for us we have social media that allows us to call, skype, zoom, text, and so on. If you feel overwhelmed by the isolation or you get frustrated with your spouse, call someone. We might be isolated from one another, but we are not alone.

By the way, I found a cat laying on my front porch. I think I will call him Matt. I’m just saying….

From the Bunker Day 35

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