Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A heart full of gratitude— From the bunker day 31

Sometimes during a crisis what we focus on will determine our mood. Daily we are told how terrible the virus is, don’t touch, don’t stand too close, and don’t go outside. Even the good news seems negative, “today’s death toll wasn’t as bad as yesterday’s.” But seeing the good in people is encouraging.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Giving thanks in all circumstances is God’s will. So, what do you have to be thankful for? Post on facebook something that you are truly thankful for this morning. A few grateful moments for me.

1.     A family in our church had a small fire which was put out quickly. As a result they found out that they needed a new furnace. A couple of our small groups were challenged to take up the cause. One of the groups raised over $2000.
2.     Another small group collected over $1700 to help a member of their group.
3.     Our benevolence fund was down to zero (because of the people we’ve been helping) your generosity has it back up to $2000.
4.     Even though our giving doesn’t cover budget, it has covered expenses. Your generosity has been overwhelming. 
5.     A miracle is happening. The government is giving back some of our money.  
6.     Several members of the church have been delivering food baskets to needy families.
7.     Other members have been sewing masks.
8.     We had over 75 cars at our drive-in sun rise service. Honk your horn for an amen.
9.     On a personal note , I am thankful for a wife I like being around 24/7.
10.  I am thankful for healthy children and grandchildren.
11.  Finally, though it is of first importance, I am thankful for a merciful, life giving and sustaining Heavenly Father who did not spare His Son, but willingly gave Him up to death that we who believe may have eternal life.

What are you thankful for? Write a grateful moment post on this article or my Facebook page. 1 Thessalonians 4:18 “Therefore encourage one another with these words.” I’m just saying…

From the Bunker Day 31

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