Monday, April 27, 2020

What’s in a word from the bunker Day 44

In the ABF yesterday we were asked what the word “imprecate” means. It’s one of those 50 cent words that is good to throw out at parties, like the word onomatopoeia (a word that sounds like its meaning, i.e. honk). I like those kind of words. I thought I would write a short paragraph to see if you can figure out its meaning. 

I hope to tell the story well, lest it not be a eucatastrophe for sure. But to pass my time I could spanghew or colporteur but these words only appeal to the apple-knocker. Of which the golden delicious is my favorite, but I divigate and come close to futz. Until it is done I will continue to operose.

Words are the way we communicate, and our ability to communicate complex thought is what makes us higher than the animals. Language is power. That and an opposable thumb. As intelligent as humans are it must be difficult for God to communicate with us. His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts far deeper.

Think about how God used words. 

Ø  God spoke and heavens came into being.
Ø  God spoke and gave names to his first children.
Ø  God spoke to Job in both thunder and whispers.
Ø  God spoke and Gave Moses the Law.
Ø  God spoke and warned Israel of the consequences of their sin.
Ø  God spoke and gave hope to those in captivity.
Ø  God spoke and the Word became flesh.
Ø  God spoke ,”This is my Son.”
Ø  God spoke and prophesied the death of Jesus.

Ø  And then there was silence.

Ø  God spoke and the earth trembled.
Ø  God spoke and the stone rolled away.
Ø  God spoke and with power declared Jesus to be the son of God.
Ø  God spoke and Jesus will return to take us home. Jesus will burst through the clouds riding on a white horse, and the scriptures say, “From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:15,16.

God declares his love, proclaims his power, and pronounces his judgement. One thing is sure, He uses words that we can understand. “Psalms 18:30, “This God—his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.” Now those are 50 cent words you can bank on. I’m just saying.


From the Bunker Day 44

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