Saturday, April 4, 2020

What Day is it? From the Bunker Day 21

Rolling over I slapped the alarm clock knocking it to the ground. I missed the off button so it kept playing that awful tune, but now I had to get out of bed to turn it off. The bed tempted me to return but Porthos had gotten up, and with his typical large yawn and broad bank of white teeth I knew he needed to go out. I stepped on the edge of an extension cord at the same time hitting my knee on the corner of the table. An explicative fought it’s way through my lips but failed to escape, ending in a clenched jaw and growl. I limped to the door and Porthos ran off barking at an unknown intruder.

Walking past the kitchen I stopped, turned and went to the refrigerator and opened the door.
I couldn’t remember what I wanted. Cereal, I opened the pantry and shook the box. Barely enough for a small bowl, so I took a handful and put it back. Now what? What day was it? Did it matter? I couldn’t go anywhere. I looked over to Porthos’ bowl; it was empty. Mechanically I filled it and his water dish. He was standing at the back door so I let him in, a routine that would occur at least ten more times during the day. What day is it?

That’s how the day began and by its end I had missed an appointment, forgotten to pick up water conditioner salt, and had to put out a late edition of “from the bunker.” Each day looked alike and drifted seamlessly, one to another. It reminds me of,

2 Peter 3:8 — “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

Time is a created construct and God is not bound by it. I can’t imagine days slipping by, but then they wouldn’t because there wouldn’t be any days ðŸ˜±! We are not eternal like God. He has existed without cause, without beginning or end. He sees it all in one sweeping moment (but even that isn’t a sufficient description since it implies movement and movement implies time to which God is not constrained). If I blow my mind again Rebecca will have to write the blog.

I think that is why God created us to work with purpose. We need schedules and deadlines, and reasons for getting up in the morning. Proverbs 12:24 tell us, “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.” The diligent will rule his home, his work, and himself. But when you are given a stay at home order you have to transform your purpose. Those of you who have to still go to work, thank you for keeping everything running. Your long hours are greatly appreciated, I am sure you would love some down time. 

To those who are not working, repurpose yourselves. Find what needs to be fixed around the house. Find out from your neighbors if they need help. If you need help ask, you will be doing others a favor, giving them something fruitful to do.

Today I got up, mowed the lawn, went and got the salt, asked some teens to carry the salt to the basement (Porthos asked them to retrieve his frisbee from the roof), answered texts and emails and sat down to write the blog. You know what? Today is Saturday April 4. I’m just saying…

From the bunker Day 21

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