Sunday, April 12, 2020

He Has Risen From the Bunker Day 29

From the Bunker Day 29
He has Risen!

 I have to say it was the oddest Easter Sunday I have ever experienced. St. John Mennonite Church held a drive-in sunrise service. Horns blared amens at the praise of our risen Lord. There were over 75 vehicles that came. I must say I enjoyed preaching from behind a pulpit more at the Sun Rise Service than in front of a camera each week. 

What also seemed odd was that there was no regular Sunday Easter Service with the brass section and choir. The video sermon had my voice offset with my lips. I looked like a Japanese movie dubbed in English. The praise team did a great job as usual. 

Easter Lunch lunch was different too. We would normally have invited people over, but with Covid19 Rebecca cooked for just the two of us. There is lot of ham left over and a goodly amount of pie. I do like me some lemon meringue pie. 

Rebecca and I listened to the Queen of England give her speech, and she commented on the events that seem to have stopped Easter. She said that other religions have festivals that they have had to postpone, but Easter happens regardless. There is no stopping Easter. 

Tomorrow, however, is the first day post Easter. Typically we would all go back to work and the memory of yellow marshmallow peeps would fade quickly. But many of us are not going anywhere. We are either working from home or not working at all. The hope that the resurrection brings cannot be allowed to fade. The Apostle Paul said, “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3,4.

The resurrection should inform every part of our day. The joy we have when we get out of bed. The gratitude that comes from our lips before each meal. The purpose that drives us to strive for excellence at work. The grace we extend to those who fail. The love we have for the fellowship of believers, and much more.

I keep seeing signs and Facebook posts that say, “it took the corona virus to show us that the church is not a building.”  Everyone responds with a like, a smile, or an amen. The truth is they are right. Yet we need a building in order to meet together.  I’m happy for our building because it is the place the church gathers (IN PERSON). What the virus has really shown is our need for human and spiritual connection.

Ok, let me wrap this up. This has been the best oddest Easter Sunday Ever! I’m just saying…

He has risen! From the Bunker Day 28

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