Friday, April 3, 2020

Cats, and I’m not talking musical — From the bunker Day 20

Cats, you either like them or you don’t. I think the reason people don’t like them is because they can be overly independent. Unlike dogs, who admire you with the most loyal and adorable eyes, cats not only ignore you they look at you threateningly. Even if they come up and rub up against you you can’t trust them. As soon as you reach out to pet them they will turn around and bite you. Their behavior flies in the face of “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Their motto is “feed me or I will rip your eyes out.” I think deep down cat owners are terrified of what their “pet” will do to them. My son wakes up to a cat around his neck. Any other reason to wake up with something around your neck would be cause for alarm, such as a snake, a rope, or your wife’s hands. Yet, a cat is, “oh isn’t that cute.” I’m telling you, don’t trust those eyes that can be adorable one moment and demonic the next. We have very few cats around our house because my dog Porthos stands watch. He will bark and chase them all day. I have watched a small 5 pound lump of fur cower my 75 pound golden doodle, or rather golden baby. 

There are no instances of cats in the Bible. I would have thought that there would be, especially at the Exodus. Bestet was a goddess who represented justice, fertility and power. Cats were also known to protect the Pharaoh against serpents, which they failed miserably when Moses staff turned into a serpent. Of course the image of the cat was in the later dynasties. Earlier on the lion was the image. One source said the change gave the goddess less power. Whoever wrote that don’t know cats.

The scripture says, 1 Peter 5:8 — “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” I don’t have to watch the nature channel to see how lions behave, I watch the cats next door. Can you imagine having one of those little things a hundred times bigger running around your neighborhood (I just shuddered).

You would definitely need to have a sober mind. What does it mean for us to be sober in regard to the devil? 
1.     Sometimes he is cuddly. The Bible says that the devil masquerades as an angel of light. He comes at us with thoughts and behaviors that are pleasing yet are against the word of God. An example would be a coworker who flirts with you, makes you feel good about yourself, or respects you, when at home you don’t get those feelings. It feels good so why not indulge. It will take you down a road of destruction. Be sober minded.
2.     The devil is also an accuser. He stands before God reminding Him of everything we have done wrong. We hear that voice of accusation and forget that in Christ we are forgiven, God has redeemed us, adopted us, and brought us into his family. When we listen to the evil one’s voice we get depressed, lose hope, and if we are not careful fall away from the faith saying, “I’m just not good enough.”
3.     The devil also uses the philosophies of this world to lead us astray. If we are not careful we can be swept away by every wind of doctrine. “Love wins” is one of those heresies that has swept the church. It sounds good and reasonable. God is love and He wins, right? Underneath the title is the false doctrine of hell. “If God is love, then he won’t send people to hell.” But the premise is wrong. God doesn’t send anyone to hell. He merely opens the door to what we choose in this life. If we don’t choose Jesus in this life then we don’t get him in the life to come. Be careful and diligent in your study of the Word so you will not be led astray.
4.     Then finally for today, “I can do it in my own.” Individualism, the great American ideal, isn’t Biblical. It sounds good, “everyone taking care of themselves.” We railed at a politician who said, “it takes a village.” Lions and cats like to separate individuals from the herd. Usually they separate the weak. Weak or not, prey by themselves are easier kill. Community is the biblical model. We are a family, a body, a community, and we are better together.

Today, be sober minded. Don’t let your thoughts take you places your Heavenly Father has said not to go. He loves and cares for us and has given us a family to encourage and build one another up. Think of someone you should call and encourage them. I’m just saying.

From the Bunker Day 20

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