Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Absolutely worthless From the Bunker Day 39

Absolutely worthless. My dog has no value as a watch dog, unless you count the fact that he watches everything and everybody go by. He will start barking at night when you can’t see three feet ahead of you. I think he is clearing the way so he can go the bathroom in private.  

My dog has no value as a retriever. I tried teaching him to fetch. He will run after the ball but once he has, it he thinks it’s my turn to chase him. I’ve read all the books and watched the videos, and right about now, I think a swift kick is what he needs (hyperbole).

My dog has no value as a seeing eye dog. His depth perception is off, and he keeps hitting his head or smacking his nose when he turns and runs through the house. Maybe it’s because he’s 75lbs and shouldn’t be running through the house anyway.

My dog has no value as a garbage disposal. He has a discriminating taste. I will throw him some food and where a normal dog will at least try and catch it, he watches it hit the floor and thinks about whether he will eat it or not.

But my dog has two redeeming qualities. One, he is loyal to a fault. I can’t go anywhere where he isn’t underfoot. A couple of times I have had to catch myself from falling while trying not to trip over him. When I come home he greets me at the door as if to say, “where have you been and why didn’t you take me?” 

The other quality that he has is love. I know people will say that dogs don’t have real emotions, but you haven’t sat in my home and been loved by my dog. He will make you feel at home and part of the family as soon as you sit down. Imperceptibly he will inch toward you until he is sitting at your feet (or on them) and when you least expect it he will lay his head in your lap. His eyes longingly look into yours and he wants nothing more than to have you scratch his head.

When you think about it, what value do we have to God? The psalmist put it this way, “What is man that you are mindful of him or the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4). Although God has created us in in His image we are but dust in the wind. Our sin separated us from Him and if not for His love we wouldn’t have the opportunity to be redeemed.

Jesus said that God has counted our days and our hair. He knows our future well before we have had time to think about it. He fashioned us in the womb, and has sent angels to protect us from evil. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, and expects us to bless others. We can love only because He first loved us. Our value is not in what we can do to please God, for we can neither please any more than He is pleased by us already, nor can we do anything to turn His love away. Bottom line, God doesn’t need us, but He does want us. I would rather be wanted than needed any day. 

“Porthos, get off my foot.” Sigh. I do love him after all.  I’m just saying…

From the Bunker Day 39

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