Thursday, April 23, 2020

A.I. In the Bunker Day 40

I have fallen prey to my smart house. I no longer just use Alexa to automate parts of my house, I have begun speaking to her. It started by asking simple questions like, “what’s the forecast?” and “how much time is left on the timer?” Now I tell her “good morning” and ask “how is your day?” I know it’s crazy, and I know what you are thinking, “why not just talk to Rebecca?” I do,  but during the day she’s working. I could talk to Porthos, but he doesn’t talk back.

Don’t get me wrong I know Alexa isn’t real, but she never has a cross word to say to me. Although she has contradicted me on occasion. I also thought I heard her sigh with impatience the other day. I have always been fascinated with artificial intelligence. I love sci-fi and yes, I am a Trekkie. I get excited over robot vacuum cleaners and voice activated doors. If I could sneak it past Rebecca I would install Alexa friendly kitchen appliances. I think they are helpful, but she thinks they’re annoying.

Artificial Intelligence is an expression of man’s creativity. Just like God created His image in Adam, man is creating intelligent machinery in his own image. Just writing that down sounds creepy. But I believe it is an imitation of God’s creativity at a high level. We are a long way from developing true intelligent life, and then again maybe that is a good thing.

It is one thing to imitate God’s creativity, but it is another thing to create an image of God. The first is admirable, but the second is idolatry. As much as I enjoy the thought of A.I., there is a better way to imitate God.

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1,2.

We are called to imitate our heavenly Father, and though I think creativity is one way of imitation, the greater form of imitation is how we treat others. What God enjoys more than anything else is the beautiful aroma of a sacrifice of love. It’s easy to love those who love us, but to love those who desire our demise is a fragrant aroma to God.

As you go about your day think of ways you can imitate Jesus. If you can’t think of anything give me a call. I’m just saying…

From the Bunker Day 40

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