Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll

Some people are afraid to press the link. We can’t talk about this at home, but the internet, anything goes? Of course that was the slogan, “anything goes,” of the sixties. Lax discipline, free love, and a morality based on the desires of the flesh. It was suppose to usher in an era of enlightenment, as drug induced experiences elevated us into a new plain of existence. How did that go for them? I rode the waves of the hippie generation, in but not really of it. Not involved in drugs but definitely living for self. 

God reflects His character in us. We are the image barrier of God, but sin has marred that image, and telling children what not to do is insufficient. Parents not only need to teach, but to model God’s image in them. Proverbs tells us, 

good name is to be chosen rather than great riches...The prudent sees danger and hides himself...The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life...Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them...Drive out a scoffer, and strife will go out...He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend...The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!” The mouth of forbidden women is a deep make you know what is right and true, that you may give a true answer to those who sent you...Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings.

A name says everything about a person; his character, his reputation, and his trustworthiness. A man with a good name:

  1. Cares about his conduct before God and others.
  2. Humbles himself before others because he fears the Lord
  3. Is On guard against the a perverse and crooked generation whose attitude is negative and complaining.
  4. Is pure in heart and has a grateful attitude. 
  5. Works hard and learns a trade to better himself and the people around him.

“Son, remember you’re a Perkins.” What would my boys say that means? Is it honorable, respected, and is it godly. Discipline is the tool we use to build these characteristics in our children. We teach them that hard work is purposeful, that giving is good, that a positive outlook in life is catchy, and that a pure heart is most attractive. The world would have us think the opposite; leisure is the goal, close friends is community, crudeness is being real, and immorality is freedom from the old puritanical ways; all the while believing the world owes them something. How do we train up our children to chose what is right?
  1. Time. The number one thing children want from their parents is active time together. Go on picnics, ride bikes, play games, and lose once in a while men.
  2. Teach. Information at age appropriate levels is always good. Teaching children to read the Bible. Explain to them who God is, His handiwork, and his love for them (go get ice cream).
  3. Transparent. Be transparent before your children. Let them see you win and fail. They will watch to see if you apologize like you tell them to. Their eyes are always looking to see if you lie, steal, yell, and curse god. When you are a good example of the characteristics you are trying to instill, they will want to be like you when they grow up.

Loving, consistent, discipline. Time, Teaching, Transparency. These are the essentials for developing the next godly generation. They are frame works to guide in the adventure called parenting. 

Tomorrow: “Watching them walk down the road.”  I’m just saying...

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