Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Life’s Dirty Little Secret

The world is made up of secrets and lies. We either button our lips or cast doubt and deceit onto everything. My biggest secret is hidden deep in my heart.  If you have a secret, the mere mention of it causes you to tremble. If it is someone else’s secret,  just the mention of it perks our ears. What is he hiding, what could possibly be so devastating that he wouldn’t want anyone to know? What is your secret? 

Secrets, especially the kind we are embarrassed about, are more than hidden bits of information. They foster deciept and lies. If we are afraid of being found out, a new narrative is formulated so as to hide the terror and distract others from its course. Secrets lie in the darkness. We find the darkness cold, and use blankets full of holes to keep warm. Lies burn holes into the fabric of our lives, and keep us neither warm or safe.

What is the answer to secrets and lies? It is truth and foregivenes. Bringing secrets into the light of truth can cause pain and distrust. We are judged for our secrets and condemned for our lies. No matter if the judge has his own secrets and tells his own lies, your secrets distract us from his. But what if truth is accompanied by forgiveness? What if the community of God is a safe place for secrets to be revealed? What if instead of judgement we offer mercy and extend an offer of a better life? Is it possible, that in darkness I could truly be warmed? Maybe then I would tell you my secret? I’m just saying...

Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets,
but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.” Proverbs 11:13

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