Friday, October 19, 2018

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

The visitations are over, the funeral service is concluded, and Dan’s body has been committed to the earth. Now it’s time to go home. I can’t imagine the next steps for ten family. I pray that I will be able to exhibit the grace shown by Marti and the family when my time comes. It’s a grace born of faith and hope, a surety of our savior’s promised resurrection. But even in this, the quiet reality will sink in and to those who were the closest it will be the hardest. 

Yet, life goes on. It’s the way of the world. Tomorrow brings a whole new set of problems and challenges. We cannot stand still, for the kingdom of God does not reign in the hearts of all men. Jesus said, “that unless a kernel of grain falls to the ground and dies there cannot be life.” He was referring to himself, but the truth can apply to all those who die in the faith. Their deaths serve to remind us that sin and Satan are not finished. Until that great day in which Jesus casts sin and death into the lake of fire, we will constantly be reminded of its sting at the passing of each friend. So until that great day, we are to lift up our heads to the harvest, for it is ripe and ready. We are to pursue the Father, pursue righteousness, pursue the Kingdom, and pursue the lost.

Moving doesn’t mean forgetting, it’s about bringing meaning to the death of those we love. If we abandon hope, then we have abandoned Christ. If we Abandon being part of the church, we have abandoned the body of Christ. If we abandon our mission, we have trampled the cross of Christ. Moving on is looking forward to the great things God has instore, and gives hope to those who look to the passing struggle and say, “I can do it to.”

Tomorrow is Sunday and I will start my series in Philemon. It’s the first step back to normal. And though there is a pew that is slightly empty, I know that Dan is celebrating with us. His vantagepoint is better, and harmony sweeter, but our hearts are in tune and we will worship together the glory of our savior and King. Here is to a new day. I’m just saying...

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