Saturday, October 6, 2018

Riding The Narrow Road

Since I had my back surgery, I haven’t been able to ride my motorcycle. I should  put that on my bucket list. I look at it every time I go out in the garage, and the open road calls my name. There is nothing like the wind blowing against you at 60 mph. The destination isn’t important, it’s the journey. I know that sounds cliche, but it is true. The wide interstate is great for getting somewhere fast, but the winding, narrow roads take you on the most interesting rides. If I had the time I would take a trip around the United States. Rebecca riding with me would be the best, but she doesn’t have the same love for the open road as I do. I have thought about getting a sidecar and teaching Porthos to ride with me. I know, it wouldn’t be the same.

Narrow roads can be lonely places. South Bend Texas, and I was by myself, too far, less gas, and a long way from a gas station. I hadn’t seen traffic all day, down around the Rio Grand, and the promise of a gas station was short lived by torn out pumps. So, I did the only thing I could, prayed, and set out for the closest gas station — 25 miles further than my gas consumption. The rolling hills afforded me coasting time, low gears and a lot more praying. When I arrived at the gas station, I figured out my miles per gallon, and praised the Lord. I usually only got about 50 miles a gallon, but this time it was close to 70! I have been very careful since, but I know that God set the wind to my back.

Narrow is the road, Jesus said, that leads to life. It’s not an easy road, but it takes you places more wonderful than you can imagine. I have met and known some of the most wonderful followers of Jesus. Some have suffered persecution and others have had a life of ease, yet, both have blessed me tremendously. God gives us today, that’s it. There is no promise of tomorrow, so each moment is a time of gratitude. It also means that each decision is important. Each relationship valuable. Each breath an exhalation of praise. Tomorrow is Sunday and I plan on making the most of it with some of the most wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ you could ever meet (and I’ve met a lot of them). Here’s to the narrow road—Here’s to the journey. I’m just saying...

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