Monday, January 7, 2019

The Pirate Code and other Suggestions

Tied up and ready to die, the question was asked, “but what about the Pirates Code?” The answer? “The Code is more of a suggestion than rules.” That’s how I have been with rules and policies. They’re necessary, but they are made to benefit us not to rule us, and so it has been easy to overlook rules and policies that seem archaic, redundant, and simply in the way. Now, that’s my perception. An organization, and a church,  need rules and policies to maintain a well functioning system. So, I work diligently, if not consistently, to follow the guidelines. Why is this important? Because, in contrast there is a law that I love, rules that I long for:

Open my eyes, that I may behold

wondrous things out of your law.

I am a sojourner on the earth;

hide not your commandments from me!

My soul is consumed with longing

for your rules at all times. Psalm 119:18-20

Like the Psalmist I want to see wonderful things in the Law (of the Lord). I don’t want to see information, I want to see transformation. I not only want to consume the Word of God, I want to be consumed by it. I love being in the Word. I love seeing what God has to say, but I want more than knowledge (though that is necessary). I want to ache when I have not heard from God through His Word. If I wrestle with all the rules in the world, there is a set of rules my soul will long for, for they give life. I’m just saying...

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