Thursday, January 3, 2019

That Which We Have Seen

We have this great need to experience things with our own senses before we will believe; the more senses the better. Taking someone’s word for an event or fact that I haven’t experienced is the essence of faith. Whether it is the resurrection of Jesus or the assassination of Kennedy. People will say, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” is a statement of mistrust, lack of faith, cynicism, or denial. God created us to be Inquisitive. He built into our DNA and given us a command to learn, experience, and have first place over all of creation. But sin (again) uses His good gift as an excuse not to submit to His sovereignty. If I can’t see it, touch it, smell it, hear it then it can’t be real. Set aside the fact that we have experienced so little of our universe. “How can God exist? If He did, why doesn’t He show Himself?” “And the Word became flesh,” “the life was made manifest,” and it isn’t enough. 

Think about it. If God truly revealed Himself, that changes everything! If He came in human likeness, died for me, rose from the dead then how can I ever live my life like the world? “The light shines in the darkness,” how can I not want to express my gratitude in the most over the top way. Jesus said when I love, forgive, care for, and reach out to the least of people, then I have done it to him. So, how do I love my wife better, my children more, my neighbor differently, the homeless, the alien (illegal), the religiously different, those who persecute me... my enemy? It changes everything!

I need to be aware of this every day, every moment, and every breath. If not, the darkness blinds me, sin hardens me, self-interest surrounds me, and the world owns me. “Lord, I believe, increase my faith!”  I’m Just Saying...

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