Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Holy, Holy Batman!

Holiness is a scary word. Partly because we don’t understand what it means, and partly because we think we do and can’t live up to its expectations. The Apostle Peter quotes the admonition, “you shall be holy, for I am holy,” and if you’re like me you nervously answer, “you got to be kidding.” We mistakenly equate holiness with perfection, and that is the wrong way to look at holiness. God is Holy, and his holiness is perfect, because perfection is at the core of God’s character. But Holiness isn’t perfection. Holiness is separation 

When Peter wrote for believers to be holy, he was telling them that they needed to separate themselves from the world. God is holy because he is totally separated from his creation, and like him we are to be separate from the sinfulness of this world. Paul admonished us not to be conformed to this world but be transformed in our thinking. If we are to become more and more like Jesus we need to put aside the things of this world and commit ourselves to the way of Jesus. 

I can hear the sucking sound, sucking all the fun out of the room. Holiness isn’t a ‘drag’.  We don’t put aside the fun things (hobbies, sports, etc,), rather holiness helps us define what and how we engage in them. But more than that, holiness helps define how we engage the world. If we abandon the worldview of the unbeliever and take hold of God’s worldview, then everything we do will be for God’s glory, and we are most satisfied, content, happy, and fulfilled when God is most glorified.

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1Peter 1:14-16.

I’m just saying

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