Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dive, Dive, Dive!

Seahunt, not too many people remember the show. The best part is when the captain said, ”dive, dive, dive.” It meant that there was going to be action. A life and death situation was about to take place where someone (an extra) was going to die. The special effects were simple, a toy submarine in a pool, stock photos of real subs, and then the imagination filled in the rest. Ah, the good ole days.  

That's what I thought when I went to the basement and found a foot of standing water throughout the entire basement. We have never experienced this, who do you call? Thanks Nathan. Who has experienced this before? THE INSURANCE GUY, and he put his super hero powers into play and called all the right people. Then my secretary, Ruth, called people in the church and before you know it there were people helping to drain the swamp (basement not Congress). Then my son called and offered to drive from Indiana to help clean up.

And that is FAMILY! There is still a lot of work to do, but to see bothers and sisters in Christ make things happen is an awesome sight. ”And they will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” Dive, dive, dive...what an adventure! I'm just saying...

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