Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Matter Of Trust

Yet you are holy,

enthroned on the praises of Israel.

In you our fathers trusted;

they trusted, and you delivered them.

To you they cried and were rescued;

in you they trusted and were not put to shame. Psalm 22

Trust doesn’t come easy. Although I would like to think I can trust anyone, more often than not that premise has proven to be untrue. A word in confidence shared with others. A feeling expressed twisted out of context. A moments relapse and judgement comes swift. These aren’t imaginary scenarios. They happen to people every day, they have happened to me. Sadly, I have perpetrated them on others. Based on our experience, by the time we are teens we should be paranoid of everyone. No, trust doesn’t come easy, but we all expect others to trust us.

Running, the dry leaves crunch beneath their feet as they raise their arms to protect their faces from the whipping branches. Behind them they are pursued by their advisary until they come to the edge of the precipice. Hundreds of feet down to the deep lagoon, or face certain death from behind. The hero turns to the heroine and says, “trust me.” Why In The world should she trust him? Unless he had jumped from those heights before, she is a fool to trust in a guy she had probably just met. The movies are full of that scenario — Trust Me.

We are faced with indecision, the loss of a loved one, a lay-off, childlessness, spouseless, or in pour health. All you want are good things, and the desire of your heart. Jesus said the father would not give stones, but your hands hurt from their sharp edges. Then he stretches out his hand and says, “trust me.” The disciples were faced with the same decision. Jesus had said some pretty hard things, and everyone left him. He turned to his followers and asked, “will you leave as well?” Peter responded, “No Lord, for where else can we find eternal life.”

So, how do we trust in God when doing so is an inner struggle? We trust, because God always delivers on his promises, and his promises are different than our wants and pain. I trust the Lord, not because he will take away my pain, but because he is the source of life. Where else would I go? I’m just saying...

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