Thursday, January 17, 2019

Awe and Wonder

What does it mean to feel awe? What sense of wonder fills your soul? The Grand Canyon is vast, so vast it is difficult to comprehend. Rebecca and I stood at the rim looking at what seemed to be a painting. It was set against a blue background and the colors were varied, brilliant in some places, shadowed in others. My mind was trying to make sense of it, and it couldn’t, accept to stare and stand amazed. The Grand Canyon was the masterpiece, the artist was God, so what is the object of my amazement? 

Look among the nations, and see;
wonder and be astounded.
For I am doing a work in your days
that you would not believe if told. (Hab. 1:5).

God was orchestrating a pagan military machine that would overtake Israel. What was unbelievable is that God  used a pagan nation to bring judgement on his people. But judgement isn’t the only way God creates wonder, he did it when Jesus calmed the storm, when Peter healed the blind, and when thousands believed and followed. The greatest of these is the transformed heart. “I’m doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told,” God said. What work is He doing in our midst that creates awe and wonder? What hearts and lives are being transformed? 

I wish you knew what I know. I wish that the testimonies of God working at St. John were loud and open for all to hear. I wish the stoic Swiss heritage would break free in praise. I wish the awe and wonder of God’s working could fill you as it does me. Is it every day, no, but he is working, and it is exciting to see. I’m just saying...

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