Thursday, December 6, 2018

Abandoned Hope

Hope is a strong emotion that gives meaning, but what if it disappears?

Evil lurks behind the ear 
Whispering words of malice 
Tempting those of weaker minds 
Steering towards destruction
No thought of goodness
No echo of what is right
No dim reminder of righteousness 
No sense of a better life
Bent towards self-gratification 
Living only for the moment 
Wading through self delusion 
No hope; No hope; No hope
They cannot hear 
They cannot see
They cannot recognize 
The ones who care
They cannot fathom
The lengths that are gone
To help them succeed
To grow into something better
They push They resist 
They fight Only to fall
The darkness consumes
The light pushes through
Only to be slapped back
And darkness lays hold once again
Those who toil on their behalf 
Exhausted rise each day
To fight a battle not their own 
Only to be mistreated
Evil lurks behind the ear 
Whispering words of malice 
What will happen to the young 
When hope has been abandoned

A friend once told me that you can’t work harder then the person you are trying to help. Sometimes it seems fruitless to continue. Jesus gives us the picture of leaving the 99 to go after that one stubborn sheep that just doesn’t want help. The evil one tells us to give up, to keep trying, he doesn’t want to work as hard as you. But then again, I’m not doing it for him, but for Jesus, who pursued me when I wasn’t interest. I’m just saying...

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