Monday, December 10, 2018

Long Enough

Wether you are feeling the blues or you’re in full blown depression, at some point you just have to say enough.

Long Enough

I have stood in darkness long enough 
Dwelt in consuming self-pity.
I lift my head to what can be
Leave behind the shackles of depression
Why should I be tied to others?
Their lips of true love’s concern speak not 
Their empty hands pat my back
Be warmed and filled as the door closes
Today is the beginning of light
To pursue unfettered by others expectations 
Today is the beginning of what could be
To reach a new height of potential in me
One door closes and another opens 
To reveal a path un-expectantly taken 
My feet step out to find my way 
Known to God revealed to me.
Anger not at the rocky path
It hears no words of angst aggression 
Focus on the future prize
Lift high my head on a smooth path

I’ve known the lows of depression, and their are aspects of it that are chemical imbalances of the brain. Take your medication and stop whining (I know that sounds harsh). We can either wallow in self pity or we can look toward a future that is both seen and ordained by God. In that reality we then chose to thank God for everything, because it is ultimately from His hand. Complaining, getting angry, or just pouting about how unfair it is doesn’t change the situation. Trust God, and do something about your life.  I’m just saying..

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