Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What I Should Have Said

I wonder if God ever gets discouraged? I was thinking of my sermon this past week and out of all the people of Israel, God chose Samson to be judge (not a great example of moral character). Yet, he was the best that Israel had to offer. Of course, God chose him before he was born, but to think that even then God knew there was no one better coming down the line. It is God’s relentless grace that filled in Samson’s deficiencies, and his unending love that would bring about a revival and the coming of king David. God knew there would be better days.

I sometimes would like to sit on heaven’s perch and see the totality of history, the highs of the church and the victory dinner with the Lamb of God. Maybe, that’s why the writer to the Hebrews wrote, 

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” Heb. 12,1,2.

We might not have the vantage point now, but those of faith, who have gone before us, have, and they are cheering us on. Yes, there will be difficulties, yes, there will be pain, and yes there will be loss, but we don’t give up and we don’t give in. We throw off the weight of sin. By this the writer means that we are freed from sin by the blood of Jesus, so we can live rich and meaningful lives. We are free from its guilt, and can turn our hearts to praise. We aren’t bound by its shame, and we lift our heads in gratitude.

But what helps us to keep going down the narrow road? Two things. The first is the deep and abiding relationship we have with the Father. The second, is the testimony of the saints. Paul asked Philemon to refresh his spirit by testifying to the good things God was doing in their midst. There is nothing more encouraging than to hear the testimony of the transforming nature of the Gospel.

Then I got to thinking 🤔. Wouldn’t it be nice to have people stand up in church each Sunday and declare the goodness of God in their lives? But we have tried it and either no one is willing to share (for a number of good reasons) or God isn’t working in our midst. Guess what? It’s not the second reason. God is working and it is amazing. 

That got me thinking. What if you sent me an email testifying to how God has been working in your life, transforming you daily, helping you see a better way, and healing you physically or spiritually. Then I would share it (anonymously) each Sunday. 52 Sunday’s, 52 testimonies. 

That’s my Challenge to you, my brothers and sisters. Send your story to I can’t wait to hear what God has been doing. Im just saying…

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