Friday, December 7, 2018


We have to deal with anger at one time or another. I know I have. The following came from a time I wrestled with that awedul feeling.

        • Anger -- It swirls around in my head like electrons around the nucleus; 
          • fast, continuous, trying to escape.
        • Anger -- it wants to escape its containment, to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting crowd, 
          • to devour those who stand in its way.
        • Anger -- it pulsates and throbs like the pounding pain of a migraine.
        • Anger -- it lashes out at the innocent like a rabid dog gone mad 
        • Anger -- it consumes all that's around like a cancer 
          • eating at the rotten flesh of a living, yet dying carcass.
        • Anger -- it has little redeeming value for the human condition 
          • who knows not how to direct it towards righteousness.
        • Anger -- isolates
        • Anger -- consumes
        • Anger -- devours
        • Anger -- destroys
        • Anger -- should be left to God.

The scripture says to be angry without sin, that’s the catch isn’t it, without sin. The scripture also says that if we could bridle our tongue we could be perfect. Guess what, none of is perfect, therefore we cannot 100% hold our tongue or be angry without sin. Anger doesn’t leave room for grace and mercy, it just eats away at a person’s heart until bitterness takes control. It’s better to trust God with our anger and turn our energy toward loving others with the Love of Jesus. I’m just saying....

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