I wrote this during a time that I was question everything, and the gentle voice of God spoke clearly?
I have spent a lifetime learning Teaching others what I know
Dispensing wisdom freely As if certain of what I speak
Words are easily spoken Rolling off the tongue freely
But without POWER
They are empty-vain-vapor in the air
Yet, with all the syllables that Have passed through these lips
How have they changed a life?
Or impacted the world for the Kingdom?
I have spent a lifetime pursuing
A fleeting sense of glory
Without understanding a simple truth
That sustains us in the darkness
In prosperity it is easy
To raise our voice in hallelujahs
Thanking God for blessings that
Feign contentment and satisfaction
But when the winds blow
When the storms of life create havoc
The blessings that we gladly receive
Are obscured behind pains darkness
It is easy, then, to forget
From whom the good things come
To blame the giver of life
And wonder why He has withdrawn
All the wisdom once dispensed
Ring hallow when spoken by others
For surely my contribution given
Is worth more then this darkness?
Forgotten, not, in the storm
Though emotions wind blows
He wraps a gentle arm around
Protecting the hearts that are His
I must stop talking
I must look, listen, stand silent
I must see the blessings
I must stand in awe of His loving hand
And what simple truth stands
As a beacon in the darkness
What promise given to His children
That brings hope in the silence
Emmanuel -- God with us
God with us in the storm
God with us in the silence
God with us in the darkness
His blessings do not cease
They come in unexpected ways
His voice is not silent
He speaks in unmistakable tones
His care has not turned cold
A gentle touch is given by a friend
His love is not diminished
It deepens with deeper knowledge
God is with us
Now the seal of the Spirit God is in us
A heart of stone now flesh
How does this truth profound
Change the darkness of the moment
How does God with us - in us
Change the cloud I am in?
No promise has been given
Of paths without stones
Some pebbles, some rocks, some boulders
Each path is laden with obstacles
Two things remain sure In this life that is ours
It is full of obstacles
And we are not alone
Whatever lies within our path— God is with us
Whatever direction that is new —God is with us
In the darkness a light shines
That we might see the obstacles
That we might be aware
That we might not be frightened
God with us Who can be against us
God with us Peace is ours
In the darkness there is light
On the path there is guidance
In the storm there is peace
In want there is contentment
I may not be what I once was
I may not have what I once possessed
I may not see the future as clearly
I don’t stand as sure as before
Yet in it all
Through it all
Because of it all
God is with us
During the Christmas season, remembering that, no matter what, God is with is an important truth to remember, more than ever. I can’t count the times this simple truth has kept me from walking away. I’m just saying....