Thursday, November 15, 2018

Slaying Monsters

Imagine standing at the mouth of a very large cave. You had heard the stories, and they must have been true, for surely in just the telling of them, made them even more real. True or false the cave stood before you like the mouth of the monster itself. Why, you thought out loud, would anyone want to enter the cave in the first place. There must be more noble endeavors to keep oneself occupied. Yet, there you stood, sword in hand. It felt light in your grip, at least for a moment. The fine carved stick soon weighed as heavy as any real sword, of any real knight. 

The wind blew past your head, hair wildly blowing, and howeling down the cavern’s mouth. A flicker of light, was it real? The low moan, was it the wind or something else? Frozen with fear kept your feet from running away, and forward seemed the only option. Each stepped echoed in your ears, as only soft foot falls could be heard by the creatures scurrying away. The light flickered again, and the shadow against the wall exentuated the horrible teeth just beyond the vile curtain of smoke. 

“It is my destiny,” the little knight said, chest puffed out. “It is what I was meant to do, it is what I must do.” Sword held high the young warrior marched to what was most likely to be his doom. No longer did his knees quake. No longer did his heart pound within his chest. No longer did he wield his trusty sword. For what lay beyond the glowing lights and hell pale smoke was not what he might have expected, I know for a fact he hadn’t  a clue. But when he rounded the inner chamber there it—-no, there she sat. His little sister, a small table, and the most precious table of tea. “Would you like some,” she asked? “Indeed I would,” he said. 

The wind blew through the hall window and blew the bedroom door shut, and both brother and sister jumped in fright, and then rolled in laughter.

What is your destiny? What are you meant for? We each have a purpose, a calling that can only be achieved if we face the monsters in front of us. Whether real or imaginary the creepy, crawlies of our lives are designed to tear down, to keep us quaking in fear. With confidence we can march headlong toward our doom if we know that the outcome is sure. For nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing can stand against us if the Lord is in our side.  Nothing can storm the gates of heaven and prevail, for the Lord is on our side. For we are more than conquerors in Christ and the monsters that loom so large, whisp away at the name of Jesus. Even little sisters....I’m just saying...

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