Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Blind Eye and Half Deaf

He looked like he was going to snatch the purse of the woman in front of him. His pants hung half way down his hind end, a hoodie, not quite over his head, hid his eyes, and the studded chain said it all, thug. I want sure whether to step in now and stop the thief or wait for the crime and run him down (I was younger then). It happened fast, and if not for my keen wits, I would have missed the whole escaped.

“Excuse me mam, you dropped this,” and the grateful woman accepted with gratitude the wallet that had fallen out of her purse. 

I sat down a little sheepish, glad that I had not run into a situation I had no place to be. Do you understand? I saw what I wanted to see. My years of conditioning prepared me for this very moment. Everything that I should have expected from this young man was false. He wore clothing that made him feel a certain way, just like I wear motorcycle gear or a packers hat. I was his judge and I condemned him without knowing him. 

It happened again. Driving through New York, we picked up a tail. It was just like in the movies. Heading to the Statue of Liberty we were being followed. I didn’t say anything to the kids, but Rebecca and I kept a close eye on the car behind us. Sure enough, with each turn, they followed. Even driving into the packed parking lot they didn’t seem to care, we would be their next victim. I told Rebecca to stay in the van with the boys; I would face them alone.

Closing the door behind me, “Can I help you gentlemen?” The polite words tasted sour.
“The wheel fell off the tricycle. We just thought the children would be sad. So we stopped and picked it up.” Handing me the wheel they left without another word, and the guilt and shame was overwhelming.

Could these situations turned out differently? Sure, but too often we live lives with a blind eye and half deaf. If you are looking for something wrong you will find it. The opposit is true as well. If you are looking for something good you will find it. I’m not talking about the power of positive thinking, but I am sensing a need for the power of the Spirit filled life, where we look to see where God is working and rejoice with him. Are there negative things, situations where, if we let it, Satan will get a foothold? Yes. Walk out the door and you will run smack into his schemes. The scripture says he is a roaring lion looking to devour us. 

Choose another way, a better way, a more wonderful way, a narrow way that looks at life differently. “For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer.” 2 Cor. 5:14-17.

We are so quick to judge, so quick to condemn, and then we take the high moral ground and consider ourselves as achieving what our flesh is to weak to posses. Only Through Christ can it be ours. Then we are to have a ministry of reconciliation between man and God, and between people. The first seems easier than the second.

Christians don’t really want true reconciliation. What we want is to give lip service, say our piece and then move on. But true reconciliation is confessing, forgiving and the fellowshipping. It’s the last one we run from. It’s too painful, to uncomfortable, to hard to be with people who have hurt me. Yes, I forgive you, but I can’t live with you. Hog wash. If God did that hell would be filled with forgiven people. True reconciliation doesn’t run, it perseveres. True reconciliation doesn’t hide behind a moral high horse. True reconciliation is Spirit driven, Spirit empowered, and Christ centric. Is it easy? No, but then where would faith be? 

We will find what we are looking for. Tomorrow I will look to see where God is working, it might just be in me. I’m just saying....

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