Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Itchy Palms, I Mean Crazy Itchy Palms

I had lunch with a good friend today. We went to a restersunt I had never been to before, and was hopeful when I saw BBQ in its name. Never judge a book by its cover, but this place looked more like “bar meets supper club” (If you don’t know what a supper club is then you’ve never lived in Wisconsin). To my delight it was wings Wed. and how can you let that go by. I ordered the Kickin’ BBQ, and was assured that the only thing that it would kick is a sleeping dog. It lived down to its expectations. Don’t get me wrong the sauce was good, and I was happy to let sleeping dogs lie. 

On the way back to the church it started, and I wasn’t sure if I would make it. The intestinal distress came on like a flood, and when I jumped out of the truck...let’s just say casual greetings and pleasant helloes were not first on my agenda. Then all was well. Until I was sitting talking with a coworker. The palms of my hands began to itch. I mean, get down, rub off the skin itchy. Pointed in the direction of the kitchen I grabbed the benedryl anti itching stick and rubbed it all over the palms of my hands. Suffice it to say, it did little to help. I then soaked my hands in hot water, and the itching eventually subsided, along with the intestinal distress. We called the restaurant and asked for the sauce ingredients, nothing unusual there. It remains a mystery, but there is a superstition surrounding itchy palms. According to “budgets are” the following could be an answer.

There’s an old superstition that when your palms itch it means money. An itching left palm means money to be paid out, while an itching right palm is money coming in. To stop the left palm from itching, the superstition says to rub the palm on a piece of wood.

There may be something to this old tale, since itching palms often show new internal energy moving through the hands. The left hand is the passive or receptive, and the right is the active. When the left palm itches, look for new energy or services coming into your life – Of course this will probably cost you some money. The right palm itching means energy or services going out – Work you might get paid for.

Touching or rubbing wood is a very old method for transferring or releasing unwanted energy buildup (thus expressions like “touch wood”), so if your left palm itches, try rubbing it on the corner of a table – If you don’t get a splinter, perhaps you’ll save some money!

Well, it was payday and I did pay some bills. Both palms were equally itchy, so I guess my finances will equal out. They usually do. “Why should a fool have money in his hand to buy wisdom when he has no sense?” (Proverbs 17:16). All I know is that constant, intense itching would be a horrible way to live or die. Next time I will try the wood...I’m just saying.

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