Thursday, November 1, 2018

Bright Eyed And Bushy Tail

I saw the most amazing sight this morning, looking out the back sliding glass doors, across the harvested corn and out of the woods came a doe and a buck. The buck was young and his antlers small, (Two points?). They were magnificent creatures. But they were not what was amazing. It was what followed. Two 🐇, two 🐈, two 🐕, 🐎, 🐄, and the line crossed the road, up the hill and out of sight. There was something familiar with the sight. Then it dawned on me. With all the rain, there must be a man named Noah, somewhere to be found. He couldn’t be far off, and the boat(ark) would have to be enormous, and it was. Enormous couldn’t describe it, awe inspiring is better. I ran to the front of the house. Went outside and looked, and looked, for the Ark. 

The patter of the rain on the roof, the smell of fresh and crisp air, the perfectly formed drops splashed, laughing at the thought of remaining in the sky. Did I tell you it was cold? It reminds me of another rainy day that ought just wouldn’t quite. After 40 days (eons) and nights the water covered all the earth, killing every living land creature there was. Only Noah’s cargo survived. Jesus referenced the deluge.

“For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away,” (Matthew 24:32).

The sight of the ark and the animals brought such joy that they were distracted  from the rain. Just like the majesty of the deer distracted me from the rain. Life was good, sin was rampant, and the consequences were a marginal. That is why the following verses are sobering,

“So will be the coming of the Son of Man...Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24).

If this is what will happen, how should thoughtful people think and behave? If all I accomplish is to awaken you from the deep sleep of the flesh, I will have accomplished much...just saying

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