Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Sons Of Dissobedience

One thing is for sure, Satan is not inactive. His goal is to keep people from following God through Christ, and to hypocrisy, immorality, division, and apathy among Christians.

The persecution of Christians around the world is horrific. We need to pray daily for their safety and perseverance. Dare I say, however, the greater victory of Satan is not their death, but our complacency. They suffer for the cause, we revel in prosperity. They endure for Christ, and we complain of inconvenience. This to say that Satan is at work.

Keeping us ineffective is to keep others from Christ. Keeping others from Christ perpetuates his kingdom, and he is at work among those who do not believe.

American culture is a prime example of his work. We are increasingly a society that embraces all forms of evil in the name of tolerance, acceptance, and love.

If we speak out we are labeled bigot, hater, intolerant, prudish, and old fashion. If we share the gospel we are intrusive and closed minded. If we shrink away we are labeled cowardly, immature, and barren.

There are no easy and simple answers to the questions raised by the evil one, accept to lay our failures and weaknesses at the cross and endeavor to be obedient. We need to learn that what Jesus said is true: "in this world you will have troubles (the evil one is at work), but do not be afraid, I have overcome the world." 

Yes, the prince of the power of the air is at work in the sons of disobedience, BUT the Spirit of the living Christ is at work in the sons of God!   I'm just saying...

"following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience" Epesians 2:2

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