Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In Your Face Satan

Satan masquerades as an angel of light. He doesn't present himself to us in the horror and gore of Hollywood. He often works behind the scenes enticing us, luring us with delectables that promise to fill our appetites.

 Yet, he is a lion prowling to devour, to find that unsuspecting and vulnerable person who he can prey on. He is the thief who who comes to steal, the wolf in sheep's clothes, and the anti-truth convincingly telling us that God is wrong.

He is the ruler of this world, the prince and power of the air, stirring up nations in a frenzy of war. He is the priest of the false religions, the cult of the damned, and works tirelessly to deceive.

In the darkness of our sin we followed him and walked his path. But Jesus said, "Get behind me; be gone; it is written; I will not worship you; hell is reserved for you and your angels; it is finished!"

Through the power of Christ our eyes are opened, our bonds are broken,and we are delivered. We follow a new master and a more perfect way! In your face Satan! I'm just saying...

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