Sunday, June 22, 2014

Like The Rest Of Mankind

We were once like the sons of disobedience, living according to the flesh, and indulging our passions and desires.

I have now been a believer longer then I was an unbeliever, but the memories of my former life have not disappeared. I became a follower of Jesus at the age of 17 and it would be easy to dismiss my former behavior as typical of adolescence. That would be only an excuse. I was driven by lust, selfishness, rebellion, lying, greed, and ungratefulness, and as my sister in law says, I was the good son. Change never comes easy, but the Holy Spirit worked in my life, bringing me to salvation and sanctifying me daily. The course of my life would be drastically different had I not heard and responded to the gospel.

The Apostle Paul was reminding the Ephesians, in chapter 2, where they had come from, that they once walked on the dark side, and that they were just like the rest of mankind -- objects of God's wrath. 

I can not boast about what I have not accomplished. I can not look down and judge others with whom I once walked. I can not condemn those who are already the object of God's wrath, I was too.

When I remember where I once lived I appreciate what God has done even more. When I remember my dark roots the light is more precious and my heart more pliable. When I remember that I, too, was an object of God's wrath I am slower to condemn and more ready to dispense mercy.  

Our past shapes our lives, but does not dictate its course. We chose to follow Jesus or not, live in darkness or light, remain objects of wrath or mercy. If this is not true the world is without hope and God's word is void. But God has kept his promise and the past remains so, and the once was and used to be's are footnotes on a fabulous journey of mercy and grace. I'm Just Saying...

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