Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Best Seat In The House

God delights in displaying the immeasurable riches of His grace. As I discussed in my blog "Undeserved" we experience God's grace daily, before we became followers of Jesus, now, and throughout eternity.

We are the recipients of His mercy and grace, and as the Aposlte says, we have been seated with Christ in the heavenlies so that in the coming age he may show us his immeasurable grace.

In this digital age we are able to archive some of the most mundane, embarrassing, and important moments of our children's lives. Rebecca and I have pulled out video of our children eating a chip off the bird infested ground, picking his nose, blowing up toy cars, lip syncing into a golf club, staring in the student play, concerts in the park, walking down the isle of graduation and their weddings. We can't get enough of them and we can't show them enough. We are proud parents (and now grandparents).

If you are a parent you have done this, if not you have experienced it. You are over at a friends for a nice evening when the conversation turns to the subject of children. "Oh, have I shown you the one where...?" Politely the saw no. You dig for what seems like hours to them, but only moments for you. Finally you find the video you have been searching for, and fumbling with the remote you display it for your guests. 

"Can you see it? Is it loud enough? You are not going to want to miss this." 

You move cushions out of the way, and you give them the best seat in the house, because you want them to witness the wonders and joys of your children.

"God has raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ, SO THAT in the coming age he might SHOW his immeasurable grace."

God has prepared us a place, next to his Son, the best seat in the house in order to show, make manifest, to reveal once again his wonderful Grace.

The archived experiences of God's grace will be played before us. We will understand the reason for the pain and the source of our joy. We will revel in God's sovereign will and marvel at his inescapable plan. We will weep over how we have been used by him and stunned by his mercy when we were obstacles. 

At its conclusion we will hear "I just wanted you to understand," and we will know him like he has known us. With tears in our eyes we will join the multitudes in the song of the lamb because we will have seen with our eyes and heard with our ears the great glory of our King. I'm just saying...

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