Thursday, June 12, 2014

At First Glance

"Seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come." Ephesians 1:21

At first glance I am reminded of the song "From A Distance". Where God looks down on all he has created and sees a beautiful round ball, blue oceans, lush green forests and even the desert looks in order. The reality that everything has fallen apart and is going to hell in a hand basket, has missed God's notice. He is distant, removed, and unconcerned.

Isn't this how we feel at times? We pray and wonder if God hears our voice, whether he cares about our needs? The Scripture says that the Father feeds and houses the sparrows, that all good gifts come from above, that everything works together for good, all these things will be added, that our pain is momentary and light, the Father answers the persistent prayers of the righteous, and the Spirit speaks to our spirit. Yet, in the moment, we often don't feel these things to be true, and God sees us from the distance.

But when Paul says that Jesus is seated far above it isn't a matter of distance, but of position. There is no dominion or power, no name or person, no religious figure inside or outside the church that comes close to his authority, his majesty, his holiness.

Jesus is a friend to sinners, but we are not his equal. We are not his buddies. We are his friends in that he has brought us into his confidence concerning God's plan of salvation, but we should not become too familiar in our casual response to his person or position. 

The promises, in whatever way God choses to answer them, are based on Jesus' position and authority. If he has the power to rise from the dead, forgive sins, and be seated at God's right hand, then he has the power to fulfill all the promises he has made. That's a tall order since has made some very specific and wonderful promises. 

But we must see him for the righteous king that he is. When we start to treat Jesus as just one of the guys we risk treating his words with the same weight as our own, and that never ends well, it puts distance between us. I'm just saying...

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