Sunday, March 29, 2020

To be determined from the bunker day #15

Ever wonder why there aren’t enough test kits? I was reading this morning that the company that makes them produces 400,000 a day. That sounds like a lot, but with a U.S. population of 329.45 million people it will take about two years to make enough kits for every individual in our country to be tested once. In the country of Bahrain they test everyone coming off an airplane, but it’s a comparatively small number. It’s hard be patient when hospitals ration the test unless you meet a strict criteria, especially if it is your loved one not feeling well. Nothing more disconcerting than to hear your symptoms aren’t sufficient for a test when your feeling horrible. It makes you feel devalued, “your value is to be determined.”

How are you feeling? It’s to be determined.
What is the status of your passport? It’s to be determined.
Are you going to church this week? It’s to be determined.
When are you going back to work? It’s to be determined.

The phrase “to be determined” is chalked full of misgiving because of the unknown, what ifs, and doubts. Covid119 falls under that category of “to be determined.” We don’t know about tests, work, the length of the pandemic, church, and what will happen with our family and friends. Its the topic of every day. Memes fill Facebook both serious and funny. Sometimes we just have to laugh. Is the world going crazy? That is to be determined.

Thinking on this topic reminded me of this verse,

1 John 3:2 Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared (will be determined); but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.

We like to know what will come, it’s about control, which can be frustrating when it comes to the Lord’s return. Will it be today or tomorrow? Will we have to wait another 2000 years or is it right around the corner? The bottom line is that we don’t know and what we will be like when Jesus comes is uncertain. So, we are patient, we pray, we continue to share the gospel and we encourage one another until Jesus returns. BUT…

When he appears we will be like him! The righteousness that has been declared over us by faith will be ours in reality. Our worship that has been in the Spirit will be actualized in the presence of the Father. Our knowledge of our position will be fully understood. All because we will finally be in the presence of our savior!

As followers of Jesus we should know what it means to live by faith, therefore living by faith in these uncertain times should be normal. However, living in today’s uncertainties can stretch our emotions, relationships, and our sanity. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, it’s to be determined. That is why we need each other’s support. Even though we are home we can call, Skype, zoom or write to give comfort. We may not be meeting but we are family and stronger for it. I’m just saying, 

From the Bunker Day #15

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