Tuesday, March 24, 2020

From The Bunker Day 10

From the Bunker Day #10
I was trolling through Facebook this morning, something I haven’t done for a long time. With the stay at home order (which itself seems at odds with American democracy) I feel more connected to see friends and family posting pictures of what they are doing. More now than ever is it important to stay connected. For some that isn’t a problem, social media is just an extension of their personality — social.
This morning what jumped out at me were all the pictures of babies. Mothers, fathers, grandparents all smiling as they hold their tiny bundles proudly. People are drawn in and comment on their little adorableness. I even caught myself exhale a little, “awww”. There is something about babies that is precious. Amidst the diapers, feedings, crying, and spitting up comes a smile, a giggle, and eventually “momma,””dada” and for a moment the world’s problems melt away. Life seems so simple and the future hopeful.
Jesus said you must be be born again, and that you can’t enter the kingdom without first becoming child like. Peter said that we have been born again to a new and living hope and like infants we are to long for the sincere milk of the word. In more a craftsman’s metaphor The Apostle Paul said,
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
As children of the kingdom we are loved and valued by our Heavenly Father. Far more than we can think or imagine. He “gives birth,” “creates,” something new every time someone becomes a follower of Jesus. We are his and no one can take us out of his hand. 
There is a bird singing outside my window this morning, a reminder that spring is coming, Easter is on it’s way, and we have a hopeful future. I’m just saying…
From the Bunker Day #10
Pastor Paul
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