Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Going Stir Crazy From the Bunker day 11

-->Going Stir Crazy From the Bunker day 11

My son built a climbing wall in his sons’ bedroom. So when he says that his kids are climbing the walls it is literal. I am sure parents are about at that point. When there is no school, or now you have become homeschool parents, it is a different ball game. It is a different world we are living and it can be overwhelming.

Porthos (my dog) is driving me crazy. He wants to play all of the time. Fortunately for me I can tell him to go lay down (and if he really gets under my skin I can kick him [not really]). Of course I don’t have children at home who are clamoring for attention. That’s been long past, so to relate to overwhelmed parents I have to dig deep into past memories. So, In these days what can you do to stave off waves of feelings that tempt you to yell, threaten, or even hit your precious children?

1.     Take a deep breath.
2.     Remember they are a gift from God (with a no return policy).
3.     Keep telling yourself they are not your enemies.
4.     When you feel like lashing out ask for a hug (it will stop them in their tracks and won’t know what to do. It’s unexpected)
5.     Gather them around for a moment of prayer, or stop and pray for them in the middle of the conflict.
6.     Find resources that will help you organize your time. (Shoot Lindsay or Rachel and email and ask for some suggestions). 
7.     We are opening up the church for scheduled times of one hour. If you are interested contact Marcia and she will give you your options. Sometimes a change of pace is good.
8.     If all else fails remember a little chaos is better than 20 to life.

If you are a grandparent and are able maybe take the kids for a while. Be careful, though, the parents may not come back. I’m just saying….

(ESV) 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
7 Be not wise in your own eyes; psalm 3:5

From the Bunker Day 11

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