Friday, March 27, 2020

A Foggy Joy From the Bunker Day 13

A Foggy Joy, From the bunker Day 13

Parody on America’s Song Sandman.

Ain’t it foggy outside 
All the planes have been grounded.
There’s a virus gone wild.
Let’s keep 6 feet around us.

Funny I’ve been there and you’ve been here 
But let’s not panic or live in fear 

‘Cause I understand  You been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Spirit
He gives you life and offers you peace 

In a hurricane called Corona 

Ain’t the weeks gone by slow?
Oh, work I have missed you.
I almost forgot to ask
Have remembered your devotions?

Funny I’ve been there and you’ve been here 
But let’s not panic or live in fear 

Cause I understand  You been running from the man
That goes by the name of the Spirit
He gives you life and offers you peace 
In a hurricane called Corona 

Maybe I could get Jason and his family to perform it. Of course there is nothing funny about catching the Corona Virus and it is important for us to take every precaution not to catch or spread it. Yet, in the midst of all the cautionary measures we need to stop and enjoy life. For those who have family going through the virus, or have lost jobs, or businesses that are suffering, joy is not the easiest commodity to come by. But what does the Scripture say, 

“And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b

It is not our joy that gives us strength, but God’s joy for us. He loves us, cares for us, watches over us, provides for us, and most of all has provided us peace in His Son Jesus. When everything around us seems to fall apart God is still in control. Hebrews 4:15 says,

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Jesus suffered at the hands of evil men to save us from our sins, but in doing so he went through the same loss and emotions we do. The Father lost a son. The Son took on our infirmities.  Jesus had no place to lay his head, and ultimately sacrificed everything so that we could be lifted up to the Father. Jesus did it all for the joy set before him. We have a joy set before us, The Father’s, and it will strengthen you in your darkest hours if you lean on him. I’m just saying.

From the Bunker, Day 13

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