Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Moving to CHAZ. I’m just saying

Moving to Chaz…..I’m just saying


From front line Black Lives Matters to vacation destination for fringe, hippi, millennial wanna be protestors, people are moving to CHAZ.  A lot of people have joined the chorus of change but nobody has a single voice. From there we move to Minneapolis where the city council voted to eliminate the police department for, well, something else. Capital hill legislators kneel in silence to show their solidarity with Black lives Matter. All across the country a bizarre wave of protest and pandering is blowing in the wind. From rioting to Rochus to rolling over and playing to the crowd. What once might have been a voice of change is increasingly becoming a free for all agenda cooping. 


2 Peter 2:19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.


Anarchy is a state of disorder that arises when people overthrow an unrecognized government. It is an illusion of political freedom because something will fill the vacuum. Even in Chaz order is maintained by roaming neighborhood…what should we call them? The satirical site “Babylon Bee” described the situation, “Seattle protesters abolish police, replace with squads of armed individuals tasked with enforcing a set of agreed upon rules.” But what will happen when the same populace who disarmed the police refuse to listen to the new “rule enforcers.” The danger is that trained men and women who have developed protocols to protect the disenfranchised, will be replaced by untrained and unrestrained individuals. They promise freedom but their own corruption will be their own undoing. It is the Wild West in reverse.


Dodge city was lawless. Rich cattle barrens did as they pleased, roaming thugs terrorized the city. It was a microcosm of true Anarchy. U.S.Marshals stepped into bring order through law. Corruption fought back but in the end lost because people longed for true freedom.


From what I have read the statistics don’t warrant wide spread absolving of our police force. We are in danger of stepping back into lawlessness where another system will fill the void, and though it offers us freedom, it comes with its own set of bias, values, and rules. I can hear it, “you’re ignoring the problem and the reality of institutional racism, and the disproportionate targeting of blacks by police.” Yes there are individuals and maybe even precincts that are corrupt, but the over all, the large view paints a different picture. Just as the black community doesn’t want to be painted with a broad brush highlighting the disproportionate number of black crime,  it does a disservice to the men and women who risk their lives to protect ours to use the same broad brush.


2020 will be known as the year when a small virus shut down the world, and the actions of a few threatened to tear apart a country. “They promised them freedom, but they themselves are slaves to corruption.” Jesus said, “if the son of man sets you free you are free indeed.” In Christ we are free from sin and death. In Christ we are freed from the law of cold stone and alive to love and forgive. In Christ we are free from condemnation. In Christ we are free to walk in a new life. In Christ we are free to hope for a better future. In Christ we are free to offer mercy and grace when others seek to do us harm. Christ in us the hope of glory. I’m just saying…

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