Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father’s Day...I’m just saying

I have been a father for 37 years. It was an extraordinary feeling to hold my first son for the first time. It was a mixture of marvel and trepidation. How would I be able to raise this boy to be a godly young man? Each time a son was born that sense of wonder and caution played through my mind. Holding each of them and realizing that each of my boys was different made the task all the more awesome.

It’s a cliché to say that I have the best boys ever to have been born, but I would have to say in my case it is true. That’s not to say they haven’t had their challenges, but overall God has blessed me with boys who have grown to be godly men. My oldest is the steady rock, my middle son is the carefree musician, and my youngest is the adventurous spirit. Yet, they all are a mix of each. I could go on with a litany of their personalities, but I want to highlight what I believe is the bedrock of the moniker “son.

When Rebecca and I found ourselves in Wisconsin, unemployed and homelesswe weren’t sure what we were going to do. As soon as my middle son heard the news, he called me and said, “dad if you need a place you can live with us until you get back on your feet." We moved in with he and his wife for 5 months. They have a small two bedroom, one bathroom, home. With Rebecca and me, and our dog, it was a tight fit. For the entire time they were gracious and never complained.

Our oldest Son invited us to come live with them for a couple of months. Living over seas made it a little more difficult, but with the internet I was able to continue to seek employment while 2000 miles away. In fact it was while in Bahrain I began discussions with the church where I now serve. Our time we them and our grandchildren was precious and humbling.

We never lived with our youngest, but when we moved to Ohio they are only a couple of hours away. And though we wished all of our boys were within the same proximity, having one is wonderful. He and his wife graciously come and visit us, making the two-hour drive without ever complaining. 

All of them call without being asked. They call to see how we are doing, seeks our advice, and when the winds are favorable all them came for Christmas last year. That was as close to heaven as we will ever get. To top it all off they have married wonderful godly women who love Jesus!

I know not everyone has the privilege of being a father, or a father of children like mine. Those men who do not have children I want to thank you for being friends to my childrensurrogates who have stepped in and befriended them when I couldn’t be there. You have, in many ways, been as much a father to them as I have, and to you I say happy father’s day. If the opportunity to have your own children never comes, I pray God will bless you with the opportunities to help other fathers who need your kindness and compassion.

For fathers who have children that are not walking with the Lord, are rebellious, or estranged from youI pray that our merciful Heavenly Father will heal your wounded heart, that your children will one day be reconciled. I believe God has a special place in His heart for you because you have endured the curse of sin and have carried the title “Father” even when it hurts so much. Our heavenly Father understands.

On this commercially minded, card selling, product pushing day I want to thank the Lord for being my Father and teaching me how love my boys. Happy Father’s Day ….I’m just saying…

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