Friday, June 19, 2020

Magnetic Repulsion.....I’m just saying

A headline in the newspaper read “An internal Facebook analysis found that the platform was helping polarize the country.” Apparently Facebook advertisers lean toward a certain political spectrum. Their ads have sensational headlines in order to attract readers. The more clicks on their page the more money Facebook makes from advertisers. Is it real news or news to generate revenue? The old adage “buyer beware” or rather “reader beware” should be added to the link’s description. It goes along with the other headline, “Trump Vs. Twitter.” It would seem that the President tweeted a malicious message about the death of someone famous that wasn’t true. Instead of taking down the tweet Twitter placed links on the message to sites that debunked the accusation.


The common denominator between the two articles is the idea of truth. Whether false accusations or sensational headlines for money, the truth gets trampled in the process. What’s sad is that no one seems to care as long as the message supports their preconceived idea of reality. Are you suspicious of big business? Then Wall Street is corrupt and taking over the world. Are you distrustful of government? Then Covid19 is a conspiracy to control the masses. Have you been hurt by religious people? Then churches and pastors are only in it for the money. When we hold these positions then every news article, every rumor, or every failure confirms our suspicions whether they are true or not. Like a protester once said, “well they may not have done it this time, but I’m sure they have at sometime.”


Polarization is when two objects are pushed away from each other by a force in the middle. That’s why the saying, “never talk about government and religion” is invoked at family gatherings. If you want to stir up conflict in our home just say something bad about the Green Bay Packers. Strong attachments produce strong feelings regardless of the connections validity. 


As followers of Jesus we have the high calling to maintain the unity of the spirit. Our unity isn’t something we produce. Christians are unified by the Holy Spirit who indwells us. Therefore, it is a reality that we are to maintain. How do we maintain something as fragile as unity? First I think you identify the cause of the fracture between individuals. Here are a few:


1.     Different opinions

2.     Sin

3.     Heresy 

4.     Theology

5.     Preference

6.     ____________


What if our opinions are different? Let’s take something simple. One Sunday morning you walk into the sanctuary and see a video playing that highlights the theme for the day. One person might think, “that was really meaningful.” Another person might chide, “it detracts from the silence that I like to prepare for worship.” It isn’t a moral issue, but our preferences and opinions can fester to a point that wedges break into division. And what if the issue is more volatile like immigration, Christians in the military, women issues, or who should be president? It is easy to let our imagination turn friends into monsters.


How do you maintain unity if one party is living in sin? Jesus said we go to that person, if he doesn’t listen, take two people, and if he still won’t listen take it to the church. If a person is caught up in heresy we should follow the same principle. The purpose of these meetings is not to cast blame but to restore relationships between the offending party and God, and between the offending party and his brother/sister in Christ. Yet, with each of these I believe that the best way to maintain unity begins with Philippians 2:1-5, “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.”


We disarm our polar opposite when we hold loosely the force between us that divides. Usually that is the force of our will. There are enough windmills to chase in this world, but in the church we are called to be unified in our love for one another. Ephesians 4:3 “be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Why should we strive for this? Because we are the Church, the bride of Christ. I’m just saying…


Magnetic Repulsion

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