Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Through the looking glass. From the Bunker Day 62

 A conversation between Alice and the Cheshire Cat.

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where—” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation.
“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.” —Chapter 6, Pig and Pepper, Alice and Wonderland.

I often hear people ask that very question, “which way should I go?” Life is full of change, things happen, people lose their jobs, a spouse, a child, a ministry and all of a sudden up is down and down is up. Humans like certainty, but that’s the problem, because change is inevitable. “It’s no use going back to tomorrow,” Alice said. “I wasn’t the same person then.” As you get older you reminisce over the good ole days. But we can never take who we are now back to yesterday.  Often those days weren’t as good as we remember. The point is, we can’t go back anyway. So we press on and wonder where we are to go from here.

The Cat responds to Alice’s question with his astute grin, “it depends on where you want to go.” Who would have thought that knowing our destination would drive the direction we should take to get there. Instinctively we know this. None of us walks out of the front door without an idea of where we want to go, and how we will get there. We get in the car, roll down the window, and drive down the street with the wind blowing through our hair, but our destination is set squarely in our mind. We turn left at the right moment. Pause at the light. Stop in front of the store. All of this before we even have time to think about it. The person who is traveling nowhere without directions is lost.

Have you ever asked yourself where your marriage is going, or your family, or even your career? Kneeling before the Father feeling empty or lost, you plead for Him to show you where you are to go and how to get there. In faith I close my eyes and hear the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear, telling me, “follow me!” 

Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
Follow me and I will teach you to love your wife sacrificially.
Follow me and I will show you how to do everything for the Father’s glory.
Follow me and I will help you forgive others just like I have forgiven you.
Follow me and I will reveal to you the power to love your enemies.
Follow me and I will give you a new heart that is meant to love The Father wholeheartedly.
Follow me and I will bear your burdens so you can bear the burdens of others.
Follow me and I will speak words of life to you so you can speak encouragement to those who need it.
Follow me and I will demonstrate oneness so you can live in harmony with your brothers and sisters.

Where do we want to go? To the heavenly kingdom. How do we get there? By following Jesus. We don’t need directions; we just need to call on the name of Jesus. After all Jesus said, “I am the way. Follow me and you will have life and have it in abundance.” I’m just saying…

From the Bunker Day 62
"It would have made a dreadfully ugly child; but it makes rather a handsome pig."

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