Sunday, May 24, 2020

My Favorite Conspiracy. From the Bunker Day 60

Conspiracies can be funny/sad. They can be sad when the conspiracy hurts those who are the object of the false accusations, but they can be funny when the reality of a conspiracy is so ridiculous that the belief in it is only possible if you believe that Saturday Night Live isn’t satirical. The following are my 2 top interesting conspiracies.

Denver Airport
Some theorists believe that Denver International Airport stands above an underground city which serves as a headquarters of the New World Order. 

Flat Earth
Flat-earther conspiracy theorists hold that planet Earth is not a sphere, and that evidence has been faked or suppressed to hide the fact that is instead a disc, or a single infinite plane. The conspiracy often implicates NASA. Other claims may include such allegations as that GPS devices are rigged to make aircraft pilots wrongly believe they are flying around a globe.[253][254]

A conspiracy is a plot by an unknown group of people who plan to do harm to another group of people. When it comes to research the researchers found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories (

The desire for understanding and certainty
The desire for control and security
The desire to maintain a positive self-image

With the present pandemic conspiracy theories have started to come to the surface. Two of my favorites are: “Planes spray the city at night with Covid19.” “The rollout of faster 5G internet is either causing or accelerating the spread of the coronavirus.”

As believers in Jesus we are children of the truth, and though there are true conspiracies, we need to be careful not to be sucked into needless pursuits. Paul told Titus “The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people. But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.” (Titus 3:8,9).

It is easy to get caught up with the Covid19 hype, whether you are conservative about the restrictions or liberal. The arguments and claims pull at our heart strings. Our feelings range from deep sympathy to angry passion. How should we respond to people with whom we disagree?

1. Love and respect. Loving someone means working toward their best interests. When you passionately disagree with someone it is hard to look after their best interest. Love demands you find a way. Respect is protecting their character, whether it is from your own words or the words of others.
2. Empathy. Why does the person believe the way they do? Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand their position. Then temper your response.
3. Let go. Let go of your “so called rights.” Hear me out. Our citizenship is not of this world, and the “rights” we have as Americans are actually blessings. As Christians our only true right is to love others. So,  protecting your “right” at the cost of another person’s well being is sin. 
4. Appreciate the blessing of U.S. freedoms, participate at every level, and let the Holy Spirit shine through the fruits of the Spirit.  As a believer our attitudes a actions are dictated by Scripture, not the the constitution.

I am looking forward to getting back together, seeing your faces again, and celebrating our great and awesome God. I’m just saying…

From the Bunker Day 60

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