Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Squirrel. From The Bunker Day 52

                                                  Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents. Now, when I think of rodents I think mice, or worse, rats. But, I can’t help it, I think squirrels are the cutest little critters God has ever made. In Houston we would watch them out our front window. They would try and climb our bird feeder. Determined, they jumped and swung in the most awkward positions. Never reaching their goal.

In The Grand Canyon I suffered from heat exhaustion, and as I tucked myself into the crevice of a rock for shade a squirrel joined me. He laid as flat as he could and panted in order to dissipate the heat. Like me, I think he was looking for a little solace. Each side of the canyon had different colored squirrels. They’re tricksters, sneaking up behind you to snatch a morsel of food. They chip and chatter at you if you disturb their nests, and they have been known to throw nuts as people passed by.

Porthos is constantly trying to chase them down. If you want to distract him you say, “squirrel,” and off he runs trying to find one of the little guys. Even my grandchildren will say squirrel over Skype just to see Porthos perk up his ears look around, and bound off in search of the elusive creatures. I think that is one of the funniest parts about squirrels. They have become synonymous with distraction. Whenever a person gets off topic someone cries, “squirrel.” 

That happens to me. I will go out to my workshop to do a very specific task and come out an hour later never accomplishing it. There is always something more shiny to catch my attention. People who have a difficult time focusing for any length of time are labeled ADD. Attention deficit disorder can be frustrating, especially if you are suppose to be the focus of someone’s attention. Being  distracted easily can leave a lot of projects undone. 

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:2,3. Set your minds, focus, don’t be distracted from seeking after the things of God. Often people think that setting their minds on heavenly things will lead  to neglect or the setting aside of jobs, friends, hobbies, etc. In fact the opposite is true. When we set our minds on things above we see the activities and people around us in a different light. With a proper perspective family is broadened to include all believers, work is done for the sake of God not prestige, hobbies can reflect the creativity of God, and the people around us are loved without expectations. “Whatever you do, do it to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Squirrels are cute, but they can lead us away from what is important. The things of the earth center around self, greed, licentiousness, and hatred. Take some time today to get reacquainted with the things of heaven, and don’t get…Squirrel. I’m just saying….

From The Bunker Day 52

1 comment:

  1. We so enjoy reading these blogs, Pastor Paul. Keep on keepin" on! Love you and Rebecca.
