Thursday, May 14, 2020

I’v got to get out of here! From the Bunker Day 56

The days seem longer now. The minutes tick by and the sound of the clock is hypnotic. The routines that gave order to our lives have changed and we either adapt or we are driven to complacency. Work is part of the creative gift of God. We were never meant to stay at home without purpose or creativity. We are all meant to have an impact on our culture through the gifts God has given us. God has created us for three things. One, to have a relationship with Him. Two, to have relationships with others. Three, to have significance through the work of our hands.

It has been a joy these past three months to spend time in the word and developing my relationship with the Father. It’s also been nice to spend extra time during the day interacting with Rebecca. It has also been fulfilling writing my blog and recording my sermons. BUT…..


Rebecca and I went to Lowes on Sunday, and she remarked how good it felt to get out of the house. Incrementally I have been having more meetings in person, and it’s great. Several people from the church have dropped by to say hello, and it was so good to see their smiling faces. We were not created to be isolated.

It has been good to hear people talk about meeting again and the joy that will come when we can worship together. We have a drive in worship service this Sunday at 10 am (weather permitting), and the social interaction (even separated by car doors) is priceless. The extra work to make it happen is worth it (thank you Jason and Marcia).

“For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” Romans 8:22,23.

Literally the whole earth has been groaning under Covid19. But as believers we are not without hope. There is a redemption coming, “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:25. We don’t see it yet, so therefore we patiently wait. We wait for the taste of what is to come. When we get together again to worship we will celebrate, not only for the opportunity now, but for the expectation of worshiping before the throne of God at the redemption of the world!

The pandemic will pass, a new normal will be established, and life will go on. What I hope we won’t forget is the craving we have right now to be together as a family of believers. I pray that the time between Sundays will always be an interlude for our fellowship and worship. May we always groan with a deep longing for our Father and our brothers and sisters in Christ. For right now the brief moments we have are like the dew on the morning grass. They will refresh us until the life giving showers come. I’m just saying…..

From the Bunker Day 56

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