Tuesday, June 18, 2019

When Defense Is Not The Best Offense

Watching an interview, the football coach went on to say that “the best offense is a good defense.” I reflected on that and wondered if that was just an excuse for a poor offense. If your quarter back can’t get you touchdowns, then you  better have a great defense who can keep the other team at bay. It works. I’ve seen teams with great defenses do more than move the momentum, they make touchdowns and win games. 

But that is different than being defensive. Defensiveness is often a reaction to offensiveness, especially when it comes to having an impact on other people’s lives. If you are sitting with your friend, and they say something to you that is offensive, or you feel is a personal attack, the natural reaction is to be defensive, to protect your pride or self image, and you either withdraw or retaliate. Personally, I am not a retreat kind of guy, and one not to surfer fools gladly. 

A young (23) family member asked a penetrating question, and didn’t like my answer. She accused me of being religiously intolerant, unsympathetic, narrow minded, and hypocritical. All at the same time telling me she loved me, would never judge me, and that she is totally misunderstood. The multiple drinks probably didn’t help (her not me). Sad to say that I became defensive and in the end pointed out her inconsistencies, to which she spoke some select explicatives. Her step mother, who listened to the exchange, scolded her for the choice phrases. I backed off and apologized for getting defensive, and she got up and went to bed. 

Defensiveness is not the best strategy for offensiveness. I’m not sure that anything I would have said could have penetrated her inebriation or satisfy her question, but love is always the right motivation, even when speaking the truth. 

“15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ...” Ephesians 4:15

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4,5

This morning is a new day, and I pray that God will help me to be patient, speak wisely, love deeply, and proclaim him boldly. May the only offense be the cross of Christ and the hope he hold out for all of us. I’m just saying...

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