Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Getting Old Stinks, So I’ve Made A Decision

I woke up this morning, put my feet on the floor and sharp pain shot through them. It happens most mornings, until I walk a little and they get used to my weight again. This morning my fingers decided to sympathize with my feet and every knuckle hurt. I proceeded to crack them and gain some relief. Add on top of that the residual effect of my back surger (though much better) still nags me on occasion. Then it happened and I had an epiphany, I looked in the mirror and there was the answer, I have grown old. 

Overall I feel pretty good, but there are those moments when reality sets in, I can’t run as fast or lift as much. I have to accept the reality and face my limitations. That doesn’t mean I should give up on becoming healthier, it just means gravity has taken its toll and the curse is having its effect.

GETTING OLD STINKS, SO I’VE MADE A DECISION. I’m not going to do it again. That’s right, once is enough, and when this mortal puts on immortality, I’m not looking back. In the meantime I am going cling to Proverbs,

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory;
it is gained in a righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31

29 The glory of young men is their strength,
but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.” Proverbs 20:29

Gray hair and old age brings about wisdom and blessing for those who follow Christ. My prayer is that what I have learned I can pass on to a younger generation, not out of pride, but so that they can by-pass some of the pitfalls I have experienced. I will not obsess over youth lost, but glory in God’s gift of new life, a recreation, a new body, and eternal glory. All this is gained by passing through the portal of age. Like one sign said. “Old age is God’s way of weaning us from this life.” Enjoy it while you have it, youth vanishes, and old age comes to us all. I’m not going to do it again, but I will enjoy it while I’m passing through. I’m just saying. 

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