Saturday, June 22, 2019


The smell of cinnamon rolls in the oven, a familiar song playing in the background, children laughing as they run through the house, the dog looking longingly for a small table scrap, and a long embrace after a tiring trip. These are the moments of home. The sweet taste of love that draws you back when you tire of the world’s adventures. Home, not a house, not a place, but people who fill your days with joy.

Not everyone is blessed with such a place, but for those of us who are, we have experienced a slice of heaven on earth. We also have a responsibility to extend an invitation to those without such a place, to join a larger family, where they can find rest, and experience family the way God intended. It is no accident that the church is referred to as the family of God. It’s not just about structure and headship but loyalty and love. Family fight with each and for each other. They are ready to lend a hand and have your back. The family of God isn’t perfect, but it is deep and meaningful, reaching out to give a hug when despair seeks to overwhelm the strongest and weakest among us. 

Home is the resting place after a long journey, an embrace that says welcome back you were missed, a kiss that lingers longer than usual, and a place of safety in the midst of a cruel world. Today I am going home, and there is not other place I would rather be. I’m just saying.

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